Creative Intelligence @ Your Service • (469) 844-8087 • Send Email
A Journey of Hope is a true to life dramitization of a domestic abuse case. We produced this video to boost community awareness of domestic abuse issues and to help raise funds for abuse shelters. We hope the production can be used as a tool to reduce the pain and suffering domestic abuse causes in all of our lives.
This web site contains information about the production, a description of and reasoning behind the characters, a detailed synopsis of the production, and credits for those who helped bring this video to fruition.
Because it was produced entirely with donated labor, this video can only be used for non-commercial purposes. The production is also copyrighted, but copies and licenses are available.
We have included some resources for further study in domestic abuse and video production. If you have comments or questions, please don't hesistate to contact us.
Please respect our copyrights.