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Entrepreneurship Class Lecture, April 19, 2010.
Entrepreneurship Class Lecture, June 22, 2009.
Computer Science Department Lecture, May 30, 2008.
Entrepreneurship Class Lecture, May 30, 2008.
Small Business Incubator, January 28, 2010. Referenced as Example III in the April 19 lecture.
Technical Self Employment is a Fat Paycheck Waiting to be Pocketed: First in a series of articles written by Grant Barrett about the difference between entrepreneurship and employment, among other topics.
With a Fat Paycheck Comes Fat Responsibility: Barrett's second article discusses the need for entrepreneurs to service multiple, small customers to build an effective client base.
The Doohickey and the Thingy: Barrett's third and final article in the series. Here he discusses how important information intensive service is to entrepreneurship, in this case a commitment to educating our customers.
Oregon Council for Knowledge and Economic Development, The Road Ahead for Information Technology Occupations, Scruggs & Associates, Inc, State of Oregon, September 2003. Source identifying percentage of IT spending in deployment, development, and operations.
Gerardo Canfora and Aniello Cimitile, Software Maintenance, University of Sannio, Faculty of Engineering at Benevento Palazzo Bosco Lucarelli, Benevento Italy, November 29, 2000. Source identifying percentage of spending within a development budget.
Mandell, Steven L.
Computers and Data Processing: Concepts and Applications with BASIC
LCCN Permalink
Augarten, Stan
Bit by Bit: An Illustrated History of Computers
Amazon | LCCN Permalink
Esther Dyson Wikipedia page. In Release 1.0, Dyson claimed packaged software, or selling software as a product, was going to lose ground to a service model.
Huffington Post article by Dyson about Microsoft and others losing ground, but for different reasons then mentioned in the lecture.
SaaS, or Software as a Service Wikipedia page.
Cloud computing Wikipedia page.
Hawken, Paul
Growing a Business
Amazon | LCCN Permalink
Extract from page 42: Image | Text
Extract from Growing a Business, page 44: Image | Text
Personal conversation with a national sales manager for Avid Business Networks, Inc., a Samsung distributor in Grand Prarie, Texas.
Who's Making Money From Microcredit?
NOW from the Public Broadcasting Service (US)
Original air date: September 21, 2007
Episode Summary | About NOW | About PBS
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